What to do…

Hello everybody (or the one person who might glance at this),

I’m just starting out at this blogging thing and not really sure what to do with it. I always considered myself creative and imaginative in a visual sort of way. I’ve never been good at coming up with what to talk about though. I suppose I’ll end up using this blog for rambling and poking at random things I guess.

Now I’ll say a bit about me. I’m just a guy who loves video games, reading, walking around and prefers dogs over cats by miles. I have a degree in Software Systems Development and another degree in Information Technology. I want to be a web developer because its the one subject I actually liked in college. And I considered myself quite good at it too.

My overall plan for this blog is to get it looking as good as I can, use it as a method of networking and possibly have a laugh or two with some of you. For those of you reading this, bear with me. It’s all I ask.
